Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wisdom in Fairy Tales and Folklore

I used to dismiss old fairy tales like The Tortoise and The Hare, because they were old and they didn't make any sense.  How can a turtle win a race against a rabbit?  After ten years of running in circles I figured it out.  Being more like the rabbit, I can see how people like myself don't have a chance against the turtle because after the first five minutes we've completely forgotten we were even in a race.  The latest fairly tale I'm beginninng to understand is the story about solving the problem of the loud noise.  I can't remember exactly how it goes, but this guy can't sleep because of a noise that is bothering him.  I think it might be a farm animal. Then there's another noise and another noise and the volume continues to get louder and louder until everything stops except for the orginal noise that was keeping him up in the first place.  The man drifts soundly off to sleep, because that one little noise is no longer so bad.

I've been whining and complaining a lot of my job at UPS, because IT'S HARD!  My arms ache, I can't sleep on my side anymore because it hurts my shoulders and my sleep schedule is all messed up.  This week I started my internship as a drug counselor.  Like the sleepless story above, there's nothing like a second job that makes the first one not seem so bad.  Monday I worked as an intern from 1-9:30p.m., came home, changed and left for UPS.  Worked there from 10:30-2:45, then got up again today for the internship from 10-2:00 and back to UPS from 10:30-2:00.  Tomorrow I have the whole day OFF!  I'm ecstatic about sleeping in and going to the grocery store and ironing some shirts.  I never get excited about those things, but like the noisy fairy tale, starting this second job (internship) is making my time at UPS a whole lot easier. 

So, if your kids are driving you crazy, invite twenty of their best friends over for a few hours!  If you're dog is waking you up too early in the morning,  borrow a rooster for a few days.  Is your spouse driving you a little nuts?  Have your mother-in-law over for an evening.  Like they say, perception is everything.  Sleep tight!

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