Monday, February 21, 2011

What now??? Squirrel

I've been trying to write about the Polar Plunge I did on Saturday, but I can't think long enough to finish it.  Blogs are supposed to be under 700 words so you don't lose your readers, because we are busy people and the average time a person takes to decide whether they are going to read something on the internet is like two seconds or something, so when I go to someone's blog or website or even webmed where I misdiagnose myself, if the page is full of words and there are no pictures and I think it will take longer than 30 seconds to skim, then I move onto something else like facebook or e-mail and then I remember why I got on the computer in the first place.  Ok, I had reread this to figure out where I was going with this.  I am trying to say that ...crap...the kids keep asking me questions and I keep losing my thought.  Ok, if a blog is the shortest thing writer's write and I can't focus long enough to write 250 words, then it's time to walk away and wait for the medication to kick in.  Is it no wonder I used to drink???  When all my thoughts are like little children running around on the playground and I can't get them to play nice together, alcohol was a nice solution.  The warm, calming effect silenced the little children running around and they all took a nap.  If the stuff wasn't so life destroying it would be a great solution.  Instead, I'm going to go play a game with my kids.  Maybe by tomorrow I'll be able to finish the Polar Plunge post.  Ohhh...that sounds good.  Maybe I'll remember that by tomorrow.  ummm.... I doubt it. 

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