Every day I check my original posting about my book to see how many "likes" and "comments" and "shares" there are, and I get excited that there are more every day. I've been e-mailing, talking to people, reading and writing down any and all information I can get my hands on in order to promote my book. Of course, I have little idea of what I'm doing, so it feels a bit like throwing jello on the wall and hoping that some of it sticks. My latest search on the computer landed me on Anne Lamott's facebook page. She is one of my favorite authors and if I had to describe my own writing I'd say it was a combination of Anne Lamott, Ellen DeGeneres and Katy Savage. You don't know Katy Savage? Neither do I.
Anne Lamott added a post about her latest book tour 11 hours ago. As of now there were 176 shares, 244 comments, and 2,442 "likes." My book announcement from November 12th has 5 shares, 48 comments, and 87 likes. Ellen's last post got 35 shares, 103 comments and 1, 019 "likes," so I'm not that far away! lol. That being said, after hearing great feedback from my book, the comments that meant the most to me were not how good the book was or that the reader couldn't put it down (although I absolutely love to hear that) it's the comment about how the reader could see themselves in my story and/or they learned something or got something out of it for themselves. My motivation to write my story was because I felt so blessed to be led out of alcoholism and depression and into great relationships and a healthy life, that I couldn't help but want to share what I learned. I would LOVE to have 200 "shares", 300 "comments" and 4,000 "likes," but what I really want to know is, "Did you see something of yourself in my story?" "Did it help you in any way?" "Does the story contain enough hope to get you through one more day?" That's what I really want to know. ...but if you couldn't put it down, or it was one of the best books you've ever read, I'm glad to know that too.
Although my childhood came nowhere near yours in shere sadness and haeartache, I too grew up with some some of the same holes in my childhood that you did. A dad who couldn't connect emotionally, and a mom who used most of her time trying to keep everything together. But from both of them, I got creativity that would help me escape from reality when I wanted to and then that same creativity gave me self confidence and a sense that I am truly special.You and I are sisters, Jenny, in our struggles and in the REALITY that we can take childhood hurts and pass them on as blessings to others.
It's what we're meant to do. Fight and overcome the dragons of the past and help others to do the same!
We ARE sisters! I love you! It would be great to get together sometime, sip coffee and chat about our sisterhood. I hope you're feeling well.
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