Grace in our Time of Need
I went to a memorial service to support one of my closest friends. Her step son passed away. He was 19 years old. (silence) I've been working on this post since yesterday, but there just isn't anything to say that makes any sense. It makes me think about my own depression and wonder why I'm still alive. It makes me think about my own son, who is 18 years old and it makes me feel a deeper sadness because I'm a mom, but grateful I had to get up early to drop him off at the bus stop this morning. The pastor at the service read a verse from the Bible where Jesus talked about how it's better to be at a funeral than a party, because a funeral puts our lives in perspective. It makes us think about what's important. It's caused me to get my eyes off the presents under the tree and think about the people in my life. I stopped by my sisters house, because I was in the area. I usually have too many things on my mind and all I can think about is getting home to get them started. After school last night, instead of hurrying home I stopped by the restaurant I used to work at and visited a few friends. Today I'm going to get the most important things done, but I'm going to put the rest aside to see if I can get together with my friend who lost her son. And I'm not going to be able to comfort her with any of these newly found priorities, but I can be there and listen. And while I'm listening I'll be wondering how she is going to get through this, but I'll also be thinking about the reason for Christmas. That it's not just about Jesus being born to be a savior for the world, but it's also about God leaving the perfection of heaven to live in our fallen world and experience pain and loss as we do, so that we can, "approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." (Hebrews 4:16)
Really well put Jenny. Just wanted to say that!
It was comforting just to read your post. That's what truth does to those who love God--it comforts. Praying that you can comfort your friend in the same way.
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