My daughter Jenna found a new tv show that we both fell in love with. It's called "Oddities". It's one of those reality shows about two store owners who sell antiques and odd stuff. To give you an idea of what we're talking about the owners acquired a two headed, freeze dried baby pig. I know it sounds a little freaky, but it was actually pretty cute. However, it's not the straight jackets, skulls, gas masks or human hearts that capture our interest, it's the people who bring these items into the store. Jenna and I fell in love with one woman in particular. She is a regular customer at Antiques and Oddities and during this episode she had an embalming kit she wanted to sell. She explained that she likes it a lot, but it was her ex-boyfriend's and she is tired of walking by it every day because it's a reminder of him. The shop owners gathered around an old black leather bag filled with tools and colored bottles. It looked like a big mess, but the store owners lit up with excitement. They offered her cash or store credit. She took the credit...of course.
I don't like anything to do with medical supplies, blood, guts, etc. I like paper, pens, computers, and hot tomales. What Jenna and I love is this woman. She is odd, of course. She had an embalming kit at her house from her ex-boyfriend which she didn't want to part with it. But she, like the other people on this show, are different. They are vulnerable. Her hands shake quite a bit. She doesn't have any trouble communicating, but she seems to be attached to another time and place at the same time that she's making this embalming kit deal. Our favorite part of this episode was when she was interviewd after the sale. She said, "it's not like I'm going to stop collecting embalming kits". Need I say more. Saturday 9 p.m. on the Discovery channel.
I may have to check this out. LOVE the line about not going to stop collecting embalming kits. It's like saying you're not going to stop collecting two headed baby pigs! Most of all, I'm glad you and Jenna have fun watching it together!
You would LOVE this show. Speaking of things Jenna and I like to do together, we both want to move and we walked around that 2 acres behind your house yesterday. It would take a miracle right now in order for us to be able to move and then to talk JB into it, but we like to dream and we both LOVE that property! And I would LOVE to be your neighbor. Life couldn't get much better than that. :D
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