Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sleep Deprivation is Becoming the Norm

What better time to update my blog then now while I'm waiting for the battery to charge in JB's van.  JB doesn't come home until tomorrow (which is today because it's five in the morning) so I wouldn't have even known his battery was dead except that the tire blew out in our other van while Andy was driving it home from church tonight.  Luckily, he called a half an hour before I had to leave for work so I had time to pick him up, drop off his friend and look at my shredded tire.  Since I had to leave for work I waited to deal with the van until I was done.  I got off at 3:00 and waited by the van until the AAA tow came to pick it up at 4:30.  Meanwhile, I told Andy to drive his dad's van to school in the morning.  That's when we realized the battery was dead.  So, I have it hooked up to jumper cables right now.  I was hoping it would start before I went to bed, so I didn't have to get up at 7 to drive Andy to his bus stop, but I have to get up at 8 anyway for my classes at Century.  I'm not sure at this point if I would feel better staying up all night or if a couple of hours of shut eye would be helpful. 

Well, that didn't work.  I would skip class today except I skipped Tuesday because I went Vegas with JB.  He has a conference there for work and I'd never been to Vegas and we haven't been together alone in many, many years.  So, I can't afford to miss another day of class.  I would love to write more, but I think I'm going to try to get an hour and a half of sleep before I have to take Andy to school.  Coffee is my friend.  Coffee is my friend.  Coffee is my friend.  So is ibuprofin.  I'll fill you in more later!

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