Monday, October 17, 2011

Losing Track of the Big Rocks

As I've said in my last posts, I've added a lot of "stuff" to my life.  They all seem important and if they weren't important, but I wanted to do them anyway, I made up some reason for them to be important.  Either way, I have stuffed my life so full, there's not much wiggle room for coffee or walks or reading or knitting (yes, I knit sometimes, no lie).  And I am now contemplating some extra work time with Christmas coming and bills getting bigger and I'm pretty sure some of our money is wherever the lost socks are.  This overtime work I'm looking at would pretty much be insane, but I was thinking that I could do "insane" for one month.  Then I picked up a book today off my shelf.  I was looking for a school book when I grabbed this one and one of the three pages I read was about fitting the big rocks in the jar first. 

Most of us have heard this analogy.  You can fit a lot more rocks into a jar if you fit the big rocks in first.  And the big rocks are priorities.  My big rocks are my family, close friends, my book and school.  My part time jobs are just a means to an end.  They are the little rocks, yet I keep pouring the little rocks into the jar.  It's only a matter of time before my jar cracks and jars are not very useful when they're broken. 

I don't think I happened upon this book and the rock story this morning by accident.  It's a comforting feeling to know that God is still trying to lay out the map in front of me so I quit going the wrong direction.  He is an ever patient navigator, and if I trusted Him, I know He'd do a better job driving than I do. 

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