Monday, October 25, 2010

East Ridge Raptors in the Dome

Well, Johnny's East Ridge Raptor's team looked a lot like the Vikings in the dome last week.  We played well for the first two quarters, then looked like a different team the second half and then had a great drive the last couple minutes of the game, but it was too late by then.  I know I said it was going to be great just to be IN the dome whether we win or lose, but after losing, the dome wasn't as great especially as we watched the opposing team hoist a 3 1/2 foot trophy in the air.  Everyone's heard the saying, 'it's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game.'  I think this statement was made by a mother to her child after a lost championship game and it stuck.  I don't think it's an either/or statement.  It should be both.  Yes, I do think it matters how you play the game, because it's not right to play cheap and it's not fun to win when you didn't play well.  But it's also not fun to lose even if you played really well...ESPECIALLLY when you play really well.  

When Johnny was in t-ball, the parents weren't allowed to keep score and the kids weren't allowed to get out.  They got up to bat, went to first base whether they hit the ball or not, and continued around the bases whether the fielding team got them out or not.  Even at the young age of four, these kids knew something was wrong.  They all knew what the score was at the end of the game, because they kept track.  And they all got frustrated when they made a great play, but weren't allowed to get the batter out. They continued to make plays, but you could tell their motivation was gone.  Who wants to work hard when your results are erased or discounted?  It was really ridiculous, embarassing even.  

Johnny inherited my competitive spirit and we've talked all year through lacrosse and football season about how it's weird that many of his teammates seem just as happy after a losing game as they do after winning.  Part of me wonders if I'm one of those overbearing parents that lives through their children's sports, but I think it's more likely that I'm refusing to teach my children to embrace the irresponsibility of socialism.   By the way, don't forget to vote in the upcoming election! 

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