Monday, October 18, 2010

Creating a Story at the Metrodome!

I’m reading a book by Donald Miller called A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. It talks about the story of our lives. One example is a Dad watching the sports channel when his daughter comes downstairs in the dress she just bought for prom. Dad says it’s a nice color and it looks great on her, but as she goes back upstairs he knows he should have said more and that he disappointed his daughter. He decides to do something about it, so he turns off the television, puts on a suit and grabs the camera. They ended up dancing in the living room and telling stories while going through old pictures of when he and his wife were dating. He created a moment in their story they’ll never forget.

One Christmas I spent a lot of money on our kids hoping it would be their best Christmas ever. A month later one of them commented about how much fun it was to spend time with their aunts and uncles and can we have them over again soon? They didn’t remember the stuff. They remembered the stories we created. I know I’ve written about his before, but with the daily rat race and schedule and housework, I can get depressed really fast and I forget how to get out of the rut. I painted my living room a couple weeks ago and now I’m doing the kitchen. There’s a lot of work to do and it’s going to look really nice, but it’s not a fun story, so I’m going to try to get it done so I can focus on the stuff that will make a good story, like Johnny’s football game this week. He’s playing in the Metrodome downtown. It’s not a championship game or anything, but I’m going to take a picture of him kissing the turf because the Vikings play on that turf. And I’ve invited all of my family and a couple of his friends are coming with us and we’re going to order pizza afterward. It would be great if they win, but even winning isn’t going to matter in this story because the event itself is going to be awesome. The fact that I can even say that shows the power of creating a fun story.

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