Monday, August 30, 2010

Three Great Investments

I’m in my car at Woodbury Lutheran Church where my oldest, Andy, is waiting for the city bus to go to his new school in St. Paul. I’m worried about his bus pass working and whether he really knows where to go for all his classes or if he’s just telling me he knows because he’s tired of me asking. He’s the tallest person at the bus stop including the adults, but he’s using a shark back pack and he has a Transformers lunch box. The only difference between watching him board his first city bus and watching him board his first school bus is about two and a half feet and some facial hair. My friend and I were talking about how it seemed like it was yesterday that we dropped our kids off at the child care for our mom’s group and now she is taking her daughter to college this week. I know we’re all in the same boat because I’ve heard this before from everyone who is hitting any milestone with their kids. Time flies. So, my focus today will not necessarily remain captive by worry about the future and how fast my kids are growing up, although I’m sure I’ll be fighting off those thoughts. I am going to let myself FEEL whatever it is I’m feeling; sad, excited, nervous, loss and then I’m going to LIVE in today. I’m going to enjoy my coffee, do some housework, bring Jenna to the orthodontist, do some writing and when Andy gets home from school I’m going to ask him about everything! Did you find your classes? Did you see your friends? Did you meet anyone new? Where did you eat lunch? And I’ll listen with rapt attention because I know this time with him is precious and will be gone as fast as it came. And though I tell myself that I could be spending my time more productively I know my best return on investment is being involved in my kid’s lives. Money and work and projects and hobbies and even friends come and go, but my kids, even though they will grow up, will always be my kids.

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