Wednesday, August 25, 2010

"Eat, Pray, Love"

  It took me five attempts to get started on the popular book, Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert and I only made it halfway through before seeing the movie.  When I commented on how I was having a tough time getting into the book, one person asked me if I was in a search of something out of life or if I'd already found it.  If I'd already found what I was looking for then I probably wouldn't be very into this book because the book is about a journey and as a reader you'll only want to go with her if you are also searching. That was the most insightful answer I've heard in a long time about anything.  It made so much sense because I'm not searching for anything.  Yes, there are a lot of things I want and I have goals I am working toward, but they are all extras.  What I mean is that I already did my search.  I spent hundreds of volunteer hours searching for self-esteem.  I spent another large chunk of time searching for tomorrow believing today wasn't good enough.  And I spent a lot of time building aquaintences with many people instead of relationships with a few great ones God hand picked for me.  Becoming an alcoholic and going to treatment was one of the best things that ever happened to me.  Without being forced to look at my life from a different angle and trust what others were trying to tell me, I don't believe I would have figured it out myself and I would have missed the very best life has to offer, which was right under my nose all along. 

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