I saw a bumper sticker today that says, "God doesn't believe in atheists." Does that drive anyone else crazy but me??? Obviously, it's supposed to be a comeback to the atheist who says they don't believe in God. The problem is that this directly contradicts what God says and has said and more importantly what He has already done! God not only BELIEVES in the atheist, He DIED for that athiest. He died for the atheists just as much as He died for the idiot who wrote that bumper sticker. Things like that bumper sticker really tick me off because some people give such a wrong and terribly hurtful view of God that they turn people away from God rather than bring people to Him.
I have a pretty regular cycle of roller coaster emotions. On top of that I like to take control of everything around me and try to bend it to my will. Of course, most of the things I want to bend are not bendable, so it's a little frustrating. My frustration at life often gets directed toward God and I'm mad at Him because I know He has the power to make my life feel better. I know logically that might not be the best thing for me at the time and that God knows what's best for me, but when I'm in pain and frustrated I don't have the perfect Christian attitude of, "whatever you want to do, God. I'll praise you in the rain." There's a few songs on Christian radio that talk about praising God in the middle of pain and hurt. I guess I haven't grown to that point yet. I turn the station. BUT, the best part of my bad attitude and my impatience and inability to let go of control, is that God believes in me. My favorite part about God is that His love for me doesn't change with my mood swings. His commitment to me doesn't swerve because I'm mad at Him. And His plans for me are for my good to have a hope and a future, even when I'm wrestling for control.
So, if I were to write a bumper sticker it would say, "God believes in the Atheist, the Jew, the Muslims, the Wickens, the Scientologists, and even some of the Christians." I say that because if Christians are the body of Christ, we very often shoot ourselves in the foot. One of the coolest things I found when I became a Christian was that the weight of the world is NOT resting on my shoulders. What a RELIEF! For everyone else, including the athiest, the weight of the world IS resting on their shoulders and isn't that enough without so called Christians riding on them too?
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