Friday, September 30, 2011

Andy Doing Improv @ BNW 4:00 Sun Oct 2nd

Andy's first show at The Brave New Workshop is this Sunday, October 2nd at 4:00 p.m.  2605 Hennepin Avenue.  Take 94 to Minneapolis.  Take the Hennepin South Exit which vears to the left.  Go about ten blocks or so and it's across from Chipotle.  I turn around and park on the street in front of the park.  I have no idea what it will be about, but I have heard from several people that they love The Brave New Workshop, so if you've been to BNW and are willing to leave a comment to this post, I would love to hear about it. 

I think I've mentioned this before, but when my kids were little I thought Andy was going to be exactly like his dad because their pictures at the same age are identical.  The only way you can tell which on is JB and which on is Andy is because JB is in the black and white photo and he's wearing one of those 70's white suit coats with his huge brown shirt collars overlapping the suit lapels about four inches.  And Jenna looked a lot like me at that age, so I just assumed her personality was similar to mine too.  Well, they turned out completely opposite.  I've talked a bit about Andy, so I'll tell you a little discovery I made today about Jenna.

I went to Dr. Heidi Salonek of Oak Springs Chiropractic today to get my first ever adjustment.  I brought Jenna with me to get an evaluation because she has some back pain from her slight scoliosis.   Heidi asked me if I wanted a manual adjustment or this other thing.  Manual means she uses her hands to snap things back into place.  I opted for the manual because it seemed like so much more for the money!  Plus, I got a completely unexpected adrenaline rush.  Bonus.  Didn't even have to pay extra. 

It was after Heidi did my adjustment that I got to see a side of Jenna I didn't realize was so like her father.  She asked me if I really thought that cracking my back a few times was really going to make my back better.  I felt like I was talking to JB.  I told her she didn't have to do it, but her doctor doesn't have any solutions for her, so it's this or physical therapy.  I think she's going to try it out.  I told Heidi Jenna will want to know technical stuff like what vertabrae she's looking at and what exactly she's doing in there.  I should maybe care more, but when I go to a health professional all I want to do is feel better.  I don't want to know details, I just want them to make me feel good.  I'm anxious to see if I can sleep tonight without my neck hurting.  I'll let you know.   

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