First of all, a quick correction from my last post. My new friend from work is from WEST Africa, not east. It's so far away, I have trouble with directions once I cross the ocean. I will tell you more about the little village she grew up in if she's ok with it.
Last Tuesday at work I was going nuts! I couldn't sit still. I had to keep reading the essays over and over in order to comprehend what I was reading. The room was too quiet. I was hot and then cold and then hot, all the while so irritable I wanted to scream and throw my computer off the desk. I thought my mental condition was at least partially due to my forgetting to take my medication, but today was Tuesday again and I did not forget to take my medication and I still wanted to throw my computer on the floor. I guess I will just try not to make any long term decisions on Tuesday's. Ha!
Our project goes until May 23rd. Then I have a choice to leave or ask to be put on a new project. I could use the money to pay for some more classes in the Fall. On the other hand maybe I could find another job that didn't make me want to throw computers on the floor. I don't know what I'm going to do yet, but for now I know what I need to do for tomorrow. ...I need to make some new Bingo cards for work. It's one of the few things that keeps me from throwing the computer on the floor.
thankyou, it was great post
thankyou. it was a great post
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