I've been trying to simplify my life so I have plenty of time to write during the day while the kids are at school, but one thing I won't give up is my coffee time with Cathy and Sharon. We were all in a church small group together and even though that group is no longer meeting, we have continued to have our irregular coffee times. Most of my friends are in the same stage of life as I am with kids in high school or jr. high. This friendship is different. Cathy is a grandmother of some of the most beautiful children I've ever seen. Sharon has four boys, five including her husband. Her youngest one is in high school. And I'm still in the running around like crazy with my head cut off stage.
I have wondered what it is that brings us together, because other than seeing Cathy at church once a month for five minutes and working with Sharon once or twice a month for a couple hours, we don't see each other outside of our coffee time. We just got together yesterday morning and after I got home I found a couple of books that spoke to the topics we had brought up at coffee, so I e-mailed the titles and because I feel so much better after our time together I let them know that they are two of the very few people I give up my writing time for. Their replies answered my question about why our friendship works. Trust, understanding, and unconditional love. When there are so many hard things to deal with in life, having friends like these is a blessing that's hard to describe. If I had to describe it I would say it's a combination of finding a flash light that actually works after the power goes out and curling up in front of the fire place with a glass of milk and a plate of warm chocolate chip cookies.
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