Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 8 of Kids in School

Day 8 of kids in school, but too much is happening right now to talk about the relaxing, enjoyable life without kids at home in the morning.  First day of school Johnny had a football game.  Second day of school we had an awesome dinner with friends.  Third day of school JB picked up Andy and headed to Arrowwood Resort in Alexandria for the yearly EMS conference which is always conveniently set on the first weekend after school starts.  Normally, we take the kids out of school and all go up together, but Jenna and Johnny's classes at Math and Science Academy are getting too intense to miss a day, so we were going to head up there after school on Friday, but had to wait until after Johnny's saturday mornning game so we went to family fun night at East Ridge and watched the Varsity team go 2 - 0 beating Hastings.  We had a great 24 hours of swimming, arcade, and conference activities with our really good friends that we only see once a year at this conference.  We left Alexandria early enough to shop a little at the Albertville Outlet Center (where I bought a cute hat for Jenna and lost it between the store and catching up to her on the side walk. ugh!)  We got home in time for the Vikings opener a.k.a. Fantasy Football and a chance to mow the super long grass. This week is going to be a little calmer with just football, work, public safety dinner, guitar lessons, bash night (the biggest, most fun evening for youth at our church with every inflatable game you can think of and lots of food and games and more food.)  Oh, and I'm leaving tomorrow to Salida, CO to visit my friend Nancy LaCroix!  Nancy moved out there a few years ago with her family (very cool story that I don't have room for here.)  But I haven't been to CO since I was nineteen, so I'm excited to see the mountains as well as my good friend.  It will probably be very hard to come back home, so my other friend Nancy is traveling wtih me and she's in charge of kicking my butt back into the car and getting me on the plane home next Monday.  So, I'm hoping to have some great pictures and good stories...or more likely great stories and good pictures.  Maybe they'll both be great...if I remember it all by the time I get home.  Lol.  Have a GREAT week! or however long it takes for me to write another post. 

1 comment:

Paige Imdieke Fringer said...

Hey Salida is only about 2 hours from where I live!! As a matter of fact our HS just played them in volleyball yesterday and we traveled there!!! Small world.